Cryptocurrency proponents are concerned that computer scientist Hal Finney’s Twitter account will be deleted, and the reason for being concerned about the account’s deletion is that it was stated by Elon Musk that Twitter is looking to delete 1.5 billion inactive accounts in its entirety. Musk wrote on 2 December 2022 that the names of 1.5 billion accounts will soon be known as inactive accounts by Twitter, that is, Twitter will remove them from its platform forever. One account that hasn’t tweeted in flight and likely hasn’t even logged in for years, unless a family member or friend has yet to reach out, is the Twitter account of early bitcoiner Hal Finney, with the user symbol – @Hafin. Halfin was a computer technology scientist who was known to be among the people (besides Satoshi) who ran and operated the bitcoin software and was known to be the successful recipient of bitcoin transactions sent over the network. And he was confirmed at block height 170. After Elon Musk’s statement about deleting the account, many Twitter users tagged Musk in Twitter and demanded to preserve the Twitter account of the great computer scientist Finney where a person wrote Hal Finney’s Twitter account @elonmusk please don’t delete it while another user wrote to Elon Musk in response to his recent statements asking him not to delete Finney’s social media account it’s wrong and one of the important twitter account in crypto space The user urged the owner of Twitter to provide this protection as well. January 10th, 2009 at 10:33 PM (ET) Phinney was the first Twitter account to mention the topic of bitcoin and all things related to it on the social media platform. “Bitcoin is on the move,” followed by a tweet that day at the time of writing that tweet has over 55k likes and over 69,400 Twitter followers on December 12, 2022 from the @Halfin account.

Not only did Finney tweet about running bitcoin on January 10, but it is highly likely that he mined his first bitcoin the very next day. Block 78 is related to Finney’s transactions and mining done in his year and bitcoin and it is very likely that block 78 was mined on January 11, 2009 and 78 is not only for Finney’s 2009 transactions and all Coinbase rewards. is linked to. But Ba is linked to having taken the first of the 10 bitcoins in January 2009 that were originally from bitcoin block 9. Besides all 2009 transaction cents and all Coinbase tweets, Phinney’s “Running bitcoin” tweet is not the only post he wrote about the decentralised cryptocurrency. Looking at the methods we provide and on January 27, 2009, she wrote that we are considering how to reduce the widespread bitcoin carbon dioxide emissions and tweets, by bitcoin proponent Lynn Alden, saying that she is fully Hopefully the computer scientist’s account will not be among the purged accounts to be removed.

According to Alden it is to be expected that this account is not among the dormant accounts and to have a significant level of historical relevance would require the creation of a project to hold a few hundred accounts.
where some users recommended re-liking classic tweets from time to time to keep it relevant, saying that “@elonmusk should act with follower numbers in mind here and if the account is inactive perhaps historically it is significant.
Overall, there has been a controversy among people and Elon Musk over the removal of the inactive account of computer scientist and great bitcoin software expert Hal Finney, where everyone is against it and criticising Elon Musk’s policies and according to them it is somehow correct. It is not that any account should be removed from Twitter forever by calling it inactive and its validity will be terminated and of course it is wrong that is happening. Here as per order of twitter where as an inactive account, if found account that account will be suspended from twitter forever and definitely next account can be of computer scientist that’s why it is being criticised on twitter.


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