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Hello Pets Reflects An Open Entertainment Ecosystem and Aims To Be The Next Disney In Web3.

Hello Pets Reflects An Open Entertainment Ecosystem and Aims To Be The Next Disney In Web3

The Hello Pets team is going to be the centerpiece of the open floor and for this they are definitely building an ecosystem where the community can definitely tell the story of the shared IP and at the same time get involved in the creation of art . While launching its own characters and venturing into the NFT marketplace, Hello Pets looks to incorporate external NFT marketplaces into its story while actively engaging the characters and engaging with holders and the community. Makes an effort to create amazing content and invite them to do the same. The team believes that this is the kind of paradigm shift that is able to fully unleash the potential of the community and its ultimate goal is to create the next Disneyworld in the world of web3. According to the company, in the world of traditional entertainment, whenever an artist wants to incorporate well-known IP (such as classic characters from Disney, Nintendo and Marvel) into their latest story, they have to go through and pay a hefty authorization fee and with this he also has to spend his important time. It takes time to get through the right process of communicating and negotiating with proprietary companies and signing contracts. With this, it is a very time consuming process.
However, in most cases in the NFT world, he does not need to buy the characters or the NFTs themselves, as he has the ability to freely use the characters to create reporters and to create additional value. He may be able to consolidate that into his own brand and it is a win-win situation for both the parties. For this firstly he can use the IP to add content and entertainment to his brand secondly he can attract his fans to create awareness about the brand which gives me a bigger audience Which is definitely a good audience. Thirdly, and most importantly, the derivative works created by him also increase the exposure of this IP and thus increase its value and this is because the team has taken the opportunity of the new IP licensing mechanism of the NFT world and Have started building an ecosystem to take the opportunity of entertainment and future and start making decisions for it.
Hello Pets definitely aims to reach the mainstream market and create a recognizable web3 market through its original characters and at the same time build its brand. Cute pets are certainly loved by people of all ages and backgrounds and bring great joy to people’s lives. Remembering and keeping this in mind, they create a set with pet characters that are able to connect with people in an emotional way and use this to create derivative works in many forms of art. Easy to do. Hello Pets World has taken a step beyond the traditional entertainment world by incorporating external NFT characters and taking advantage of the efficient IP licensing mechanism in the NFT world to further participate in the role of content creation for this world. One can easily collect characters from the external NFT collection by simply holding them and inviting their holders which of course covers both the digital and physical worlds. By leveraging the latest technologies in game engines, AI, augmented reality, virtual reality, 3D printing and many more, Hello Pets’ products will not only cover movies, games, metaverse, music and other digital applications, but also expand and further extend it through physical application like toys like Lego, fashion products, home décor and many more and their primary goal is to unleash the creative power of the community.
Another thing that shows its advantages and definitely sets it apart from traditional company and entertainment modes, That is, not only is this content created by the team, but it is also created by the community and the public. The team believes that a content producing company does not compete collectively with those who fully harness the power of the community, as the creativity of the public is limitless and the public can certainly make a difference through their creative work. and in its opinion, the next ‘Disney’ should evolve into a decentralized entertainment ecosystem where all communities participate in creating their own story and an art is created for the community and the value ecosystem generated Can also share with participants.



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