Ben Armstrong, popularly known as the outspoken “Bitboy” in the crypto community, has announced the cessation of his daily livestream after three years of regular broadcasts. In a heartfelt video uploaded to his personal YouTube channel, Armstrong revealed that financial constraints, compounded by mounting legal expenses totaling approximately $100,000 per month, have rendered the production unsustainable.

Acknowledging the financial burden of approximately $25,000 per week required to maintain the daily shows where he dissected crypto trends, Armstrong lamented the challenging circumstances in the emotional 10-minute video, which garnered 18,000 views late Wednesday. He candidly shared the overwhelming pressure he faces from a barrage of legal challenges, stating, “We’re barely making it out here, guys. We’ve got lawyers coming at me from every angle. Everyone I know is coming after me right now.”

Armstrong rose to prominence as “Bitboy,” a dynamic crypto personality renowned for his assertive demeanor and rapid-fire discussions on crypto-related topics. His meticulously produced videos, featuring attention-grabbing headlines such as “Make IMPOSSIBLE Gains with Bitcoin SUPERCYCLE,” garnered a substantial following within the crypto trading community, providing both investment advice and entertainment.

In mid-2023, Armstrong ventured into creating his own cryptocurrency, $BEN coin, capitalizing on his online presence and community engagement. However, his association with the BitBoy brand was short-lived, as he faced allegations and subsequent ousting over undisclosed personal and professional misconduct, as reported by Decrypt. Armstrong subsequently initiated legal action against the entity owning the BitBoy brand, setting off a series of tumultuous events.

These events culminated in a public scandal, including revelations of an extramarital affair with the CEO of BEN Coin and a dramatic arrest at the residence of a former business associate, both of which unfolded during a livestream, adding to the tumultuous saga surrounding Armstrong’s persona and ventures.

As Armstrong navigates through this period of legal and financial turbulence, his decision to suspend the daily crypto livestream marks a significant turning point in his online presence, signaling the challenges and repercussions faced by high-profile figures within the crypto community amidst legal and personal controversies.


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