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NYC Mayor Says Crypto Is An Industry ‘We Should Embrace’ and highly emphasises that youth should join the crypto industry to explore the latest opportunities in it and make successful efforts to take crypto to the highest heights.

NYC Mayor Says Crypto Is An Industry ‘We Should Embrace’ and highly emphasises that youth should join the crypto industry to explore the latest opportunities in it and make successful efforts to take crypto to the highest heights.

The mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, doesn’t seem to be affected or discouraged by the market phenomenon and any collapse of crypto exchanges, instead he advocates for cryptocurrencies and calls them the technology of the world. And stress the importance of going into this space.
When Mayer was asked about the ongoing problems and the turmoil and turmoil in the crypto market and the darkness prevailing in the minds of investors, Mayer told that he himself is a big supporter of bitcoin and cryptocurrency. We do. He knows he converted some of the paycheck he received this year into bitcoin and ether, and right now he says New York City tech is always open to sending a message that he’s committed to supporting bitcoin and digital cryptocurrencies. Has no regrets investing in it. When asked if he feels he made a big mistake by endorsing bitcoin he said it was not a mistake as he believes in technology and keeps his focus on technical forces and According to him it is possible that the idea of ​​using blockchain currency might come to your mind. He said that he is not disappointed that crypto currency is not doing well in the market at the moment nor is he discouraged by all the negative naysayers. Is there or is there a sense of pessimism towards bitcoin in their mind. He says that technology is coming and the era of crypto currency has started and whether we like it or not it is our personal opinion but going into this space has a different importance and he accepts this importance. .
He says one more thing that when he hears people saying that he lost so much money in cryptocurrency or he got hurt so much but he says that no one knows how much I have earned and lost till date even There is no fixed account of this and he says that ups and downs are minor in all these industries which keep happening and they should too. “The ‘junk bond king,’ the fraud they committed in the stock market and penny bonds, so there are always going to be people who are going to take advantage of these forms of industries.”
The Mayor of New York City continued his statement by saying that he has little faith in new markets and new currencies and he has devotion to them. He said that I encourage and inspire our youth about this and appeal to them to join the crypto industry. He says we just had a summit that was attended by the owners of the New York Nets and where we brought young people to learn about these industries and he adds that the industries are not leaving because They’ve hit the bottom line and this is an industry we should definitely embrace which is why they’re leaning further towards blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Mayor Adams said in January that he wanted to make New York City “a hub for cryptocurrency and other financial innovation.” And he said that we all need to ensure participation in this kind of innovation which will generate employment and we will be able to try to connect more and more population with new technology and then we will be able to get a great opportunity to join the industry. And when the youth will also participate in all this, then there will be no limit to our progress. Here every person will invest in the crypto industry by adding some percentage of their income and definitely get returns and benefits. He does not say that we will only get profit or that we will never suffer loss. Rather he says that profit and loss are the rules of the world and accepting this we should move ahead and invest in every industry. He says that our technical power will be strengthened only by these types of industries and we will be able to add many more people to this partnership with us and make the crypto industry the number one industry. His special request is to the youth who are the foundation of any economy and if those youth go under crypto and join the crypto industry then definitely our victory is sure and we will win easily. He says that in order to improve our economy and attract or retain talent from around the world, it is essential that we invest in and engage with technology. Our similar successful efforts will impact our economy as well as our business model of all round development methodology and also we will be able to connect or benefit youths as well as other sections from the crypto industry and only then will our crypto community be strong.
In the end, he has given special emphasis in the whole statement that some technology is not in our control, one of them is bitcoin technology which is yet to come and which has already emerged and we should be happy to know that We are either going to be a part of that suffering or are becoming a part of it. The storm of crypto currency and its era has started and whatever is about to start or has happened, man can only adapt and remain a part of it, only then its progress is possible and if he is able to use that technology and with that investment only the development of that technology is possible where many talents and platforms are getting ready and advocating for crypto. Then we can say here that we are also giving a new dimension to crypto. Where it can move according to the requirement and where it gets a lot of help or investment and has enough support then only this industry will touch its latest heights and will not be affected by any minor problem or major problem.



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