Sao Paulo introduces blockchain into data access law

At least a part of the technology of cryptocurrencies is being embraced or adopted by organizations around the world in terms of greater use of blockchain. The Municipal Data and Transparency Law recently passed by the City of São Paulo includes or features the concept of blockchain as a technology that could be used to help the state carry out its functions. and at the same time it can be used by the states to provide necessary assistance for the fulfillment of their functions.
The legislation presented shows blockchain as an immutable ledger somewhere that can record transactions using a computer network as well as be able to track assets while the technology is shown as a useful tool and the law fails to define what methods can be used or what kind of uses we can use to make all kinds of work related to data access and transparency better. Some experts have been led to believe that the inclusion of the definition in the law is an accident as the documents fail to show any implemented method. To this, Marcelo Castro, Machado Mayor’s lawyer, told O’Globo that while institutions are looking at blockchain as a beneficial trend in the economy, no specific decree has been passed saying how the technology can be used. will be done within a schedule and it runs the risk of getting caught up in and confused by a failed letter of the law. While the legislators of the document defended with the help of the approach adopted to include a wide range of technologies in the law. Maria De Carli, the author of the regulation, defended the general way in which the law mentions or refers to blockchain. The author pointed out that the law should not give strict use cases for the technology as these need to be discussed with the municipal executive branch. The author noted that there are many useful avenues for blockchain technology within the framework of law such as aiding in the detection of corruption as well as ensuring compliance with a public server allowing public efficiency and visibility of each transaction in the technology render.
There are many other similar initiatives underway at the national level, such as in May the Development Bank of Brazil launched the Brazilian Blockchain Network, a blockchain project that aims to build its own decentralized app to increase the transparency of public works as a basis for public institutions for provide service.


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