Remember the guy with the now-iconic “Buy Bitcoin” sign? The one who photobombed Janet Yellen during a Congressional hearing in 2017, becoming a viral meme at the height of a Bitcoin bull run? Well, history is literally on the block – Christian Langalis, the man behind the sign, is auctioning it off.

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Langalis’s stunt, a bold display of Bitcoin advocacy, perfectly captured the fervor surrounding the cryptocurrency back then. Now, with Bitcoin a more established player in the financial world, the sign transcends its meme status and holds a place in cryptocurrency history.

The auction, set to take place on the online marketplace Scarce City starting April 18th, is expected to draw significant interest from Bitcoin enthusiasts and collectors.

Bidding will begin online and culminate in a live event at PubKey, a Bitcoin-themed bar in New York City, on April 24th.

The sign itself is a simple yellow legal pad with the words “Buy Bitcoin” scrawled on it in black pen. But its value lies in the story it represents – a pivotal moment in Bitcoin’s journey. Langalis himself told CoinDesk he received a private offer of 5 BTC (roughly $350,000 at current prices) for the sign, highlighting the potential for a hefty final bid.

The proceeds from the auction will be used to fund Langalis’s startup, which focuses on building payment infrastructure for Bitcoin’s Lightning Network on the Urbit platform. This adds another layer to the story – the sign, a symbol of early Bitcoin adoption, could now contribute to its future development.

Whether you’re a seasoned crypto investor or simply a casual observer, this auction offers a unique opportunity to own a piece of Bitcoin history. The “Buy Bitcoin” sign is more than just cardboard and ink; it’s a tangible reminder of the disruptive potential and ever-evolving story of cryptocurrency. So, grab your metaphorical bidding paddle and get ready to witness a slice of internet history go under the hammer.


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