When Trump once said in 2019 that he is not a supporter of bitcoin nor is he interested in it, and today the former president is taking advantage of blockchain technology to launch his own NFT trading cards. have been The collection of 45,000 cards contains images of Superman, an astronaut, a cowboy and a variety of designs designed through Trump. But it has been alleged that the team behind Trump’s NFTs used images from Shutterstock and left the Shutterstock watermark on the NFT images.

Despite these claims, Trump’s NFT cards are becoming more and more popular and are being admired by the public, with statistics showing that his NFT card collection is second only to Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) in sales over the course of a twenty-four-hour period. comes and their car sales have increased by 50.19% during the last 24 hours to $3,597,251 in sales. There were 4,749 transactions and 1,839 buyers and 2,155 sellers registered for $3.5 million in sales.

On Opensea, the current price for Trump’s cards is around 49 Ether or $578, which is more than 4 times the price of $99 when sales started and we see that according to the data there are around 15811 Trump NFT owners and 35 Percent is the second owner and in addition statistics show that one user owns approximately a thousand trump NFT cards and appears to be the largest holder of the entire collection. Some even claim that the unknown trump NFT owner with a thousand cards is himself. There is Donald Trump which is definitely a big data and it is being told by the people that it is popular we can understand that because of the popularity of Trump his NFT cards are going so much and he is being liked by the users Trump’s NFT cards have certainly become very popular with users in a short period of time. Of course these NFT cards were met with outrage by political pundits as the 45 US President made his announcement and the current President mocked Trump in a tweet saying Biden using all capital letters like Trump Major announcement by the Left over the past few weeks and Trump’s announcement was mocked by political commentator Lindy Lee when she said the announcement said he was selling NFTs and Melania’s big announcement said it She was selling $185,000 worth of NFTs and Ivanka had a big announcement that she was promoting Goya Beans and Don Jr. had a big announcement selling $500 cameos. Where she says that all the families that have ever been in the White House and all the Presidents that have been there were the most pathetic families and the former author and other supporters have tried to expose Trump’s NFT undertaking where a block of It was reported through the medium that his “Trump’s trading card grift is stone from your thoughts” and that Eichenwald found shell companies linked to a company called NFT International LLC and some people linked it as a negative arrangement. But in the end comes to conclusion it doesn’t make any sense because NFT is an international brand.Where we can see that NFT cards which are promoted by Trump are done through this means so that more and more uses their platform One of the reasons for this is that Donald Trump himself has now become a supporter of bitcoin and other industries and according to him it is a good medium of earning and business, but there are some leftists and current US President Joe Biden. Do it in just 1 move and says that this is just their way of promoting themselves which is a medium to attract users and public which is being used by Trump and its purpose is not NFT but its branding Whose work is being done by Donald Trump. We can summarise that this scheme which was started by the former US President is now very popular among the people and it is being appreciated a lot. We can see which one is positive but which one is negative and critical.


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