India highlights the need for a ‘common approach to regulate the crypto ecosystem’

Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman on Tuesday presented the Economic Survey in Parliament for 2022 -23. The Economic Survey is once again the document of the Ministry of Finance which tells the performance of the Indian economy in the last year, how the Indian economy developed and what were the reasons due to which the economy was definitely indicated in the best possible way. This survey is a great medium to analyze the economy as a whole and to test it through various mediums, which is presented as well as used to tell the economic activity of the country. The Economic Survey, which covers cryptocurrencies for the first time this year, highlights the need for a uniform approach to regulate the crypto ecosystem and how it is targeted. To the best of our knowledge, crypto assets are referenced instruments and do not actually qualify as financial assets or do not exist in this context. There is no internal cash flow present.
India’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has clearly been taking a pessimistic attitude towards cryptocurrencies since its inception, saying that cryptocurrencies have no value, and of course He says that it poses a risk to the country’s financial stability. The Reserve Bank of India had also recommended a ban on crypto currencies like bitcoin and ether, saying that this currency is a lethal tool for India’s economy. The Economic Survey states that US regulators have disqualified other currencies like bitcoin as well as explicitly criticizing it. While Gary Gensler, chairman of the USA Securities and Exchange Commission, confirmed that bitcoin is a commodity, he did not comment on ether, instead stressing that most other tokens exist as securities. The Treasury Department’s Economic Survey then backs up a joint statement by the US Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Office of Currency Control on January 3, highlighting the concerns of the three agencies and the potential impact of cryptocurrency on the banking system. The dangers involved have been explained. The review issues that the geographically widespread nature of the crypto ecosystem necessitates a uniform approach to volatile instruments and the need to respond to evolving cryptosystems globally. this document definitely
The European Union, Japan, Switzerland, the UK, Albania, and Nigeria go on to discuss the outlook for current regulations around the world, and the survey states that monitoring and regulating cryptocurrencies has become difficult and regulations around the world are difficult. CBI finds it challenging to handle new and emerging issues in this fast growing uncharted territory. Minimum global standards are also applied to non-backed cryptocurrencies and they do not currently mitigate all risks and vulnerabilities. The survey describes the many ways that standard setting bodies are trying to adjust and develop standards for regulating cryptocurrencies. Although they focus on particular issues or areas and thus there are regulatory gaps at each stage when crypto assets are issued, transferred, exchanged, or stored by non-banking entities, the document concludes and states India is known to have been trying to develop a regulation specifically on crypto policy for several years and a draft crypto was published earlier in July 2019 as well but it was not brought to the Parliament. ‌ It was also stated earlier by the Finance Minister that the Government of India is looking forward to discussing this with the G20 members to establish a technology driven regulatory framework for crypto assets and clear regulation of cryptos. Used to be. Last month, a crypto awareness campaign was also launched by the government through which specific statements were made or disseminated about the merits and demerits of cryptocurrency and its important role in India’s economy. If we see, RBI is testing its own central banking digital coin and a bulk digital rupee pilot was launched by the central bank in November last year while an inscribed pilot was launched in December.


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