Jim Cramer Says Avoid Crypto, Stick With Gold For ‘Real Hedge’ Against Inflation And Economic Chaos

Mad Money host Jim Cramer categorically advises investors to avoid cryptocurrencies and back gold if they want “a real hedge against serious inflation or widespread economic chaos and economic trouble.” . Apart from this, he says that bitcoin is not very stable to be used as a currency, that is, it is a volatile currency. You can imagine business owners trying to trade shares of Facebook or Google, and of course it’s ridiculous. Jim further said that avoid investing in crypto currency and stick with and support gold to support against currency and economic policy.
Jim, the host of CNBC’s Mad Money show, gave some investors advice on gold and cryptocurrencies on Monday, and of course, Jim is a former hedge fund manager who also co-founded TheStreet.com, a financial news and literacy website. It was They definitely believe that it’s in the public interest to stay away from cryptocurrencies despite bitcoin’s recent gains, and Carley Garner, Senior Commodity Strategist and Options Broker at Decarley Trading, explains the chart from Cramer Emphasizes that investors need to ignore the crypto cheerleaders now that bitcoin is booming and that they definitely need to stay away from him even after knowing his best investing methods and he further advises Continuing to give that if you want a real hedge against serious inflation or even economic chaos then gold should be your go to according to Carley Garner and she completely agrees. Citing Garner, the Made Money host explains that bitcoin behaves more like a risk-on asset, meaning it behaves more like a risk-on than a safety. In addition it does not include a level store of value and there is a lot that is not there.
He said imagine business owners trying to transact with stocks like Facebook Google which is really a laughable act and they are very volatile and bitcoin is no different. Contrary to Cramer, some also believe that bitcoin is more of an inflation hedge than gold and certainly strives to give good returns and at the same time it has the ability to give good returns and through this And venture capitalist Tim Draper and billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones share similar views and are involved.
Cramer also warned about “counterparty risk,” which is the potential for the other party to a transaction or investment to fail to meet its obligations. Of course you can own the bitcoin directly in a decentralized wallet which saves you the risk but if you ever want to use it for anything then the risk is already on the table i.e. the risk lies with you and as That we have learned from the collapse of crypto exchanges can certainly be devastating.
The Mad Money host used to invest in bitcoin, ether and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) but sold all of his crypto holdings last year and recommends bitcoin along with gold, and in March 2021 he said that over the years I Having said that you must have gold which is essential but gold has let me down and gold is seen to be subject to a lot of volatility and is clearly subject to failure in many cases.
Lastly he has also issued a warning about the US Securities and Regulation Commission rounding up non-compliant crypto firms and is also advising investors to get out of crypto currency, which is more than a million dollars. Won’t touch crypto or go with it. Cramer often cited John Reed Stark, the SEC’s former head of Internet enforcement, who recently said that “the regulatory onslaught is just beginning.”


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