Despite the growing popularity of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, you may be surprised to find blockchain technology in agriculture. Traditionally, we have used ICT (information and communication technology) for databases to track data and maintain the flow of information. Blockchain technology is a new way to power these databases. Instead of a single server and administrator, they give rights to all network participants. The database can then be accessed and verified by multiple parties, ensuring greater security and reducing corruption risks.

With Blockchain technology, the Global Digital Agro Token (GDAT) can track a variety of plant information, including the quality of the seed, how crops grow, and even a plant’s journey once it leaves the farm. The use of this data can increase supply chain transparency and reduce issues related to illegal and unethical production. When a recall occurs, they can also help trace contamination or other problems back to their source. Sustainability and food security are the top priorities with these technologies.

The Global Digital Agro Token (GDAT) is a Weather forecast for agriculture essential requirements is a new development format for agriculture,  whose economic model is based on Crypto and blockchain technologies, monetization, and tokenization.

As of now, GDAT is conducting research for the Global Digital Agro Token (GDAT) that is scheduled for launch in the Year 2022.

The Global Digital Agro Token (GDAT) will provide weather forecasts for agriculture that include the incidence of abnormal weather and the prevalence of aberrant crop situations. With reference to crops and weather, it is essential to have an understanding of the normal picture before one can determine abnormality. 

As a first step toward educating weather forecasters on the weather warning needs of farmers, crop guides should be prepared for forecasters which should provide times of occurrence and duration for each event. Predicting types of weather phenomena in the different crop phases that should warrant weather warnings and forecasts for major crops sown and harvested in the regions of their forecast interest, including phases from sowing to harvest. Weather forecasters can use these guides for preparing agricultural weather warning calendars based on periods and regions. It would also be helpful if normal values were provided for important weather elements during the crop season for the short period adopted nationally for agrometeorological work in the crop guide for forecasters; farmers should be able to use this guide immediately, so they will be able to see what the normal features of weather are for a given crop and season. 

By using the Global Digital Agro Token (GDAT), a farmer will be able to determine when and how much fertilizer to apply. Bad weather can wash away the profits from a field at the time of application. In order for the fertilizer to be effective, the field must be dry enough to prevent it from washing away, yet moist enough to prevent it from washing away.  

Global digital agro token (GDAT) system in agriculture will be uniquely positioned to help not only simplify transaction processes but also to level the playing ground for small-scale farmers and crop growers, especially from poor regions.

It is estimated that $940 billion worth of food goes to waste every year worldwide. In part, this happens because farmers and growers from less developed countries do not always have access to wide markets, which leaves them incapable of selling all the food they produce.

GDAT is researching in the field and aiming to launch the Global Digital Agro Token (GDAT) for farmers in 2022.


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