OneCoin co-founder Carl Sebastian Greenwood pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court on Friday to wire fraud and other felony charges and money-laundering acts and to a Ponzi scheme resulting from his misrepresentations and wrongdoings. The mastermind, ‘cryptocurrency’ Ruja Ignatova, and others, had invested billions of dollars in victims and fraudulent platforms around the world, such as the US and Greenwood, as a result of an announcement by US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Damian Williams. Ignatova and other conspiracy workers corroborated Onecoin and claimed that another alleged cryptocurrency of the same name would exist as a bitcoin killer and that of course it was a futile work that was never mined. Certainly its price is determined by the market or not determined while its price was determined manually and we can say that in 2014 a German citizen from Bulgaria, resident of countries like Sweden and United Kingdom, bought the Onecoin multi- operates as a level-marketing (MLM) network whose members pay commissions for recruiting others, and based on its promotional materials and records, we can say that by the end of 2016, more than 3 million people had joined it. billion dollars were invested.
Ignatova, who disappeared from the public eye in late 2017, remains at large and is most wanted by Interpol and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation with a $100,000 reward for information leading to her arrest. Where his brother was taken into custody from Los Angeles in 2019 and convicted and asked to testify. If reports from August are to be believed, the British national who was charged with money-laundering related to the scam, Christopher Hamilton, has opened up about his plans to avoid extradition to the United States and hand him over to the American authorities. will be given. We can say that in October the three associates were produced by a German court to face fraud and other charges and Greenwood who was the mastermind behind the m.l.m. was referred by Ignatova for promoting the trade and sale of crypto through its structure and the district judge accepted his guilty plea and sentencing was set for April 5, 2023, while the 45-year-old co-founder will serve time on each count against him. I faced up to 20 years in prison. We can say that Carl Sebastian Greenwood, the co-founder and operator of Onecoin, was arrested and arrested in Thailand for his wrongdoings and we can definitely say that he was punished for his wrongdoings. Which has a much more important subject and place. The founder and CEO of One coin has been definitely convicted and punished and put behind bars under the entire rule of law and law.


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