Australia’s Securities Regulatory and Investments Commission (ASIC) until May 15, 2023 FTX Australia Pty Ltd. suspended its financial services license. According to the statement issued by the company, the existing platform will be allowed to provide limited services till December 19 and will be taken over for the same. The decision was taken on Friday after the local branch of the failed cryptocurrency exchange failed to perform well and the decision was taken on a unanimous basis by the voluntary administration. On Thursday, the company says in an announcement published on its website that it will continue to provide limited financial services until the services are terminated, which is an act of interest.
Australia’s Financial Licensing Services Authority granted permission to FTX’s Australian platform to conduct liquor and market making and trading to retail and wholesale customers where they explained the status of close contact with other regulatory entities and external administrations by ASIC. The emphasis was on knowing and monitoring.
Let us tell you that in January this year FTX was counted among the largest cryptocurrency exchange which was priced at $32 but after its bankruptcy filing and collapse the trading dynasty United States Bahamas where it is headquartered and a scene of investigation in Japan and Turkey and its poor performance last week shook the entire crypto market and investors began to fear that the crypto market is no longer safe, causing many companies and securities to pull out their exchanges and assets, and FTX All crypto opponents have got an opportunity to participate in all these planning and activities.
While all the plans are saying that there should be a regulator for the crypto market to enforce it in the market with complete rules and regulations, some are against it and some are in favor of it. Some individuals and teachers are favoring it while some are also opposing it but cancellation of license by Australian regulatory securities is really a big issue.


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