According to the report, Luno Africa says that clients and operations are not affected by the turmoil at Genesis Capital. He says that all the work is being done as usual and the customer service experience is increasing.

According to Marius Ritz, general manager of cryptocurrency exchange Luno Africa, his company is operating normally and has not been affected by Genesis Capital’s new loan origination. Ritz said the exchange, owned by Digital Currency Group, has not yet made any significant changes to deposit withdrawals or training volumes. Withdrawals of clients have been frozen and the industry has witnessed a massive downturn due to the highly dysfunctional market order. Which is also owned by DCG and is a partner in lending to people for their savings, which dispels claims that crypto exchange withdrawals may be frozen.
To calm speculation, Luno, which was acquired by DCG in 2020, initially issued a statement on November 16 assuring customers that steps were taken to ensure access to funds in the savings wallet. and information regarding clearance from origin will be maintained. The reporter learns that Genesis has failed to fill $1000000000 in its books and rumors of bankruptcy have been fueled.
While Genesis has categorically denied going for bankruptcy, the persistent rumors have forced the people general manager to push back against the speculations behind the withdrawal freeze where in his latest comment on the issue, he reportedly Ritz says that Ludo remains a DCG-owned and wholly independent operating subsidiary with no changes yet and that no customers or users have been affected during this period. It claimed that all the savings wallet funds have now reached both the platforms i.e. customers have full access and customers are enjoying each and every service very well and this is the result of our efforts that our customer count is also continuously increasing. It is increasing and is expected to continue to do so in the future. He said that all kinds of rumors or speculations about the turmoil going on in the company are baseless and should not be taken into account.


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