NY Attorney General begs Congress to ban crypto in retirement accounts and want to ensure that pension fund investments are used only during retirement and not as a blind and volatile, temporary investment in crypto and digital payments.

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced on Tuesday that she has urged Congressional leaders to adopt legislation that would prohibit and limit retirement funds from investing in digital assets such as cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. .
In the letter she sent Tuesday to Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID), Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA), and Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), James wrote that New York State people outside the U.S. and urge Congress to pass a law designating digital assets as assets that cannot be purchased using money in individual retirement accounts and that cannot be invested in plans.
James lays out some of the reasons why it is risky to allow cryptocurrency in retirement accounts and plans as it is highly volatile and often cited as a means of fraud and crime, in addition to having no internal valuations or fixing anything. There is no rate which can go up or down anytime and can harm the investors especially the pension holders and their future wealth can be in jeopardy.
The Attorney General also referred to the Terra crash and the FTX meltdown that followed the crypto market crash, and also referred to the bankruptcy and FTX selloff as recent events.
He added that cryptocurrencies have a lifetime investment of Americans’ hard work, immense support, that can be wiped out by one small movement and result in huge losses.
James also wants legislators to reject both bills that allow crypto investments in retirement accounts and strongly urges them to accept the proposed Modernization Act and the Financial Freedom Act of 2022.
As it is written in the Retirement Savings Modern Act, digital assets can be considered as an investment option and can be used. The Financial Freedom Act of 2022 would prevent the Secretary of Labor from capping investments offered through self-directed brokerage windows, meaning the Secretary of Labor would not be able to restrict investments in digital assets.
Fidelity Investments, the largest administrator by assets, began offering bitcoin investments in retirement accounts this fall. This prompted the US Department of Labor, where the Treasury Secretary issued a new warning that the crypto industry is too risky and most of it unsuitable for retirement savers, and this week three US senators sent a letter to Fidelity urging that bitcoin and crypto be held in retirement accounts. The investment should be ended.
Overall, the attorney general wants bitcoin and crypto to be a safe investment or an investment that we can cover later on because of its well-known volatility and market volatility. Everyone knows what events are happening recently so if the American public invests the entire investment of their safe retirement funds that they have received for old age in the crypto industry then surely they will have to lose their money. There will also be fear and this will increase their future worries more and as we know that pension means financial assistance in a way that gives you a chance to eat for the rest of your life after working for a certain period of time. So that pension service will not make any sense when it will be invested in bitcoin and other members and digital crypto currency market will suffer from its ups and downs and its risky world as well as pension holders will also suffer that’s why they Support that the option of investing in crypto services in retirement accounts should be abolished as soon as possible or this rule should be withdrawn so that the pension can be used in the right way and by right medium and method.


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