Spanish airline Vueling to accept cryptocurrency as a means of payment

Vueling, one of the Spanish budget airlines that grew after the end of travel restrictions during COVID-19, has taken its first steps to accept cryptocurrency as payment for its services. This is its first revolution in this direction, which shows that the company announced on January 14 that it is giving and allowing customers the opportunity to buy a ticket to travel on an airplane with crypto. Along with this, it is also investigating the use of blockchain and NFT technology. For this purpose, Vueling has entered into a partnership with Criptan which is a national exchange and is already registered with the Bank of Spain to use crypto to serve as a payments company and for customers. handles and fulfils all types of orders in order to provide the best services to the customers as well as ensure that the customers do not face any inconvenience while using it.
Vueling says that its move will make it the first low-cost airline in Europe to accept the currency as a means of payment, and at the same time, it will face a lot of competition, which will definitely affect its operation. It is important for India and it is needed to make its services technologically empowered. Jesus Monzo, Manager on this tie-up and distribution, says that this agreement helps them to stay at the forefront of new technology and innovation and further reinforces their commitment to customers, while ensuring that strives to have the best and most advanced types of tools and solutions available on their website that are sure to be made available to the customers.
Krypton CEO George Soriano adds that the company is convinced that the launch of Crypto Bhutan can improve user experiences by showing customers the potential behind implementing such solutions and at the same time improve their performance. This functionality is expected to be available on the airline’s website by the third quarter of 2023 and will use global payment network UATP technology, while the company has not indicated which cryptocurrencies will be accepted or which cryptocurrencies will be in circulation. Currencies and payments will be received. However, other airlines have already taken to introducing crypto and even NFTs into their retail operations. One of these fly bodies, which is an Argentine airline, has also announced that it will issue its flight tickets in the form of NFTs from September 2022, and with this, users will be able to sell them in the secondary market. The tie-up will of course accept payments in stable coins such as USDC using Binance Pay as the payment processing partner.
Even before this, the Venezuelan government has revealed that it will accept a variety of cryptocurrencies as payment for plane tickets in October 2021, including the national token Petro.


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